Revival-Ro Wiki

Captain : Move Zig, for great justice.

Custom Headgear Creation : Baseball Cap

NPC : Zeke

Location : Airship, Domestic Route ( 65, 71 ) **


"Actually, I'm CATS"

Material Qty Drop (If any) Percentage (If any)
Yellow Bijou 500 Gold Acidus 100%
Boy's Cap 1 Quest -
Cap [1] 1 Giearth 2.5%
Fabric 100 Whisper 100%
Black Dyestuff 5 Quest / Gift Box -
Lemon Dyestuff 5 Quest / Gift Box -
Zeny 500,000 - -

** [ Domestic Route ] You can board the Domestic Route Airship at the following Locations:

  • Hugel - (hugel 178, 145)
  • Juno - (yuno 53, 212)
  • Einbroch - (einbroch 64, 205)
  • Lighthalzen - (lighthalzen 265, 75) [ Talk to the airport staff to the Right after paying ]

After boarding the Airship, head for the lower deck ( 1 flight down ), Zeke will be to the right from where you enter.
